Gabriele Bischoff

Now is the time to deliver on our promises and to start the Treaty reform process to bring about the real changes we urgently need


Meet Madam Gabriele Bischoff, MEP. 

We had the pleasure of hearing about her thoughts on the future of Europe and EU reform like the #NoVeto Campaign @Alliance4Europe has been working on.

“As elected representatives, we have made promises to change the way the EU works and give the Union more capacity to act in the face of emergencies like health pandemics or responding to illegal attacks on European soil. Our evergreen promise to people is to make Europe more social and improve the quality of everyone’s lives, no matter where they live in the EU. Now is the time to deliver on our promises and to start the Treaty reform process to bring about the real changes we urgently need.

The days of the EU being held hostage by the veto are over. Recent events have laid bare the fact that decisive and urgent action in the EU is too often stopped in its tracks by a small minority who abuse the veto.


Just one month ago we have concluded the Conference on the Future of Europe, where citizens and civil society gave clear recommendations to improve people’s lives by reforming the EU through limited, but specific, Treaty changes. If these consultations turn out to be nothing more than a ceremonial charade, citizens will not forgive or forget.”


Excuse me, Commissioner


Mohammad Shafi Karimi