Photo series: On the slopes of Mount Etna

“Inspired by my family roots I travelled to Sicily to photograph craftsmen – from lava stonecutter to orange growers – working on the slopes of Mount Etna.”


“Sicilians have always been a big inspiration for me, I feel them being very grounded people, something that I am keen to develop more for myself.”

‘On the Slopes of Mount Etna’ is the photoseries we bring to you today. Henerico Rossi, an Italian-born photographer that currently works between London and Paris, uses his personal relation to the land as an inspiration to showcase the lives of the people living in Sicily, city that he feels connected to because of his family.

“This story here was made possible thanks to my uncle who used to run a photography business back in the 80s. He helped me to connect and make acquaintance with some local people and we travelled together all around the Mount Etna for about one week. I always like to talk to people while taking photos so my practice is somehow very liberating. Lots of interesting conversations came up and I hope that the images can somehow embed these conversations as well.”

@henericorossi has collaborated with relevant media outlets such as Vogue Portugal.


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