The one who just wanted peace

I have been to the region before, although I stayed a bit longer in Palestine since my girlfriend was living there at the time - in Ramallah.


What I found saddening is the impression that a solution is feasible but that, because of the personal experiences and the conflict that has been ongoing, it is still difficult to achieve. It can be easy for us in Europe to talk about peace, since we have been living in security and prosperity for a long time. But look, now that the security is more at stake, that you have the military presence in the streets, how people’s mentalities are slightly evolving.

People are becoming more fearful of each other, more scared, angrier perhaps. I guess my point is : being here I realise that it is especially the lack of personal relationships between Israelis and Palestinians that creates these feelings of distrust and fear. I have the impression that these communities are still talking about each other but they are not talking to each other. Maybe once an Israeli talks to a Palestinian and vice versa, and they share their own stories – they can understand where the other come from.

I want to believe peace is possible.

Photo and story by @soundous.boualam


Chicken and Eggs Story


The one who was not so sure about the Bible