We don’t want you

“Our dream is a society where you can find a place for yourself no matter what your origin is. It is much easier to close your eyes and refuse to see than to open up for a discussion and change.”


ENG translation: ‘We don’t want you’

“The problem of discrimination based on national origin is a universal one. It has become such a regular part of our everyday existence that sometimes, it is much easier to close your eyes and refuse to see than to open up for a discussion and change. As a team of Ukrainian and Polish students from PJATK: Elina Pyrohova, Sofiia Vialykh, Maria Napiórkowska and Julia Kozma, we want to tell the audience about the problems Ukrainian migrant workers face in Poland with the help of our curator Marjatta Itkonen.” 

“Ukrainians migrating to Poland to work here make up a large percentage of Poland’s workforce. However, Polish people are not fully aware of how crucial migrants’ work is for Poland’s economy. Essential workers such as healthcare providers have played a significant role during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have been mostly migrants facing discrimination based on their origin. Due to the severity of the pandemic, these workers have had longer hours and more obligations. Despite this, they have not been not properly rewarded or financially compensated for the overtime work.” 

“Ukrainians migrating to Poland to work here make up a large percentage of Poland’s workforce. However, Polish people are not fully aware of how crucial migrants’ work is for Poland’s economy. Essential workers such as healthcare providers have played a significant role during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have been mostly migrants facing discrimination based on their origin. Due to the severity of the pandemic, these workers have had longer hours and more obligations. Despite this, they have not been not properly rewarded or financially compensated for the overtime work.” 

“We started our research in October 2021, and contrasting harmful stereotypes with real data was our way to appeal for equal treatment of Ukrainians in Poland. We have also interviewed both Ukrainians and Poles to ask the same questions about their dreams, fears, and plans. It has been done to show that the two nations strive to achieve quite similar goals. The project is meant to provoke a discussion that might lead to a more sustainable and fair society.”

“During the implementation of the project, Russia has started a war in Ukraine that has changed the situation drastically. With the influx of refugees from Ukraine, we observe how supportive Poles are. No words can express how thankful Ukraine is for this solidarity. We hope that our project will help to enhance a strong bond between our nations.”



