
"The origin of art begins with the origin of humanity. From cave paintings to the latest contemporary pieces created, art has served as a medium, form and source of expression. Through art, we are free to express ourselves."


Elodieloll Dourone and Dourone Fabio Lopez form the artistic duo Dourone. They focus on international muralism and making original art works in their studio.

Q: What was your personal journey as an artist?

It all started at home when I was little. I always liked to draw, I didn't need more than colored pencils and sheets of paper to have fun and spend many hours. Later, as a teenager I looked for my equals and I found them in graftiti where we had the same codes of how we wanted to live life.

When the time came to decide what to do professionally, it was clear to me that I had to do creative work, so I devoted myself to many different things such as mural decoration for shops or privates, also in advertising agency companies since I did not know I was not bad at computer programs. I worked in set companies for film and television. I even spent some time making the sets of a photographer and all this without ever stopping intervening in the street doing street art and doing the exhibitions that were coming out in galleries. In 2012 I got together with Elodie and we decided to travel. So we went from Madrid to Paris, from Paris to Los Angeles and from Los Angeles to travel around the world for four years without stopping working on murals and some exhibitions.
In 2017 we set up a studio and since then we have dedicated ourselves more to doing studio work until now.

Q: In what way is art a product of human society?

The origin of art begins with the origin of humanity. From cave paintings to the latest contemporary pieces created, art has served as a medium, form and source of expression. Through art, we are free to express ourselves. Art is a reflection of society, which is why it is necessary to leave a memory or to provoke emotions that make us reflect and reason about issues in our lives.

Art is more than a cultural heritage, it serves to create a collective memory and so that the mistakes and horrors of the past are never repeated again. It is a question that would need an answer book, but broadly speaking, art is very important for human society.


Q: What’s the meaning of your work?

The concept of my work is something that has been evolving and changing more or less every 4 years, the only thing that has never changed is the human part. Right at this time we are at the beginning of a new stage where the concept is much more personal and intimate where through us we are going to show our tastes and thoughts of the world in which we live. At this stage we are expanding the format in which we work much more, we are adding everything that has to do with design, such as furniture, interior design, fashion,…


As everyone knows, we are living in a time when it is difficult to agree with just one way of thinking.That is why we have created this mural. In which three ways of seeing are shown. And by this we mean that the important thing is not the way you interpret it, but that it is possible that each one feels it differently. And if these three ways of seeing flow in this mural then we think that we can too.

TWO ORIGINAL ARTWORKS with portraits in canvas currently on display in China on an art gallery.

It represents the STRENGTH & CALM (Elodie) on one hand and the COMPLEXITY & SIMPLICITY (Fabio) on the other hand.

Those two artworks highlight the decisions made that shape the destiny of each one, the constant struggle to achieve our goal, the values that determine a person and how perseverance and determination are determining traits to reach your destiny.


Edible City Warsaw

