Edible City Warsaw

We want to show that it is possible to live differently, that a world based on mutual help is still possible.


Joanna Humka is a climate-educator and member of the Dobrze Food Cooperative.

“We want to show that it is possible to live differently, that a world based on mutual help is still possible. Our cooperative is not only about ecological food and a decent payment for producers. It is also about practising grass-roots democracy and coordinating an educational project concerning social and solidarity economics.”

“Our ecological farm is based on the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) model. Once a week, we personally deliver vegetables to Warsaw, Milanówek, and Łódź but we can dispatch a courier shipment to any address in Poland.
We do most of our work by hand and want to be a trustworthy provider for the members of our community.”

For 4 years, Katarzyna Grzybek and Marcin Migala have been running their farm in the village of Marianów.

“We only use fresh herbs. And if guests don’t know what lovage is, we show them the herb garden next to our restaurant. Especially kids are amazed. They are curious, intuitive and brave, and have no problem trying everything from rosemary to marjoram. "

Marta Traczyk, runs the restaurant W Domu ("At home") in Warsaw, where she only serves original dishes from ecological and local produce.

“I grew up in an allotment that was established in 1902. A lot of work in the garden was done as community action, we built a warehouse together, dug holes for electricity cables and organised events for the children. The community was like one big family.”

Hanna Wielgus is part of the third generation of Warsaw allotment gardeners.

“A Community garden is both a recreational and educational space. It is a kind of para-institution of culture, where people meet regularly to learn about ecology and work in the garden together."

Maciej Lepkowski is co-founder of the Motyka i słonce community garden programme, which also does workshops for children and government officials.

“Edible City Warsaw” supports local initiatives that want to change the municipal food policy. The stories of these people show that projects carried out on a small scale can have a big impact.


The one who was not so sure about the Bible

