Miruna: News Media Europe

(Me) (unoriginally but excited) Boy or girl? (Miruna) It’s a boy! (Me) Ah - you must be thrilled.

Miruna is a public affairs adviser at News Media Europe

(Miruna) I am! I'm mostly impatient about the due date at this point. He’s driving me nuts, he should be out already! (She laughs)
(Me) Your outfit is very elegant, by the way. This dress...and your shoes! (I pointed to her shoes, bright red, sharp and sassy- a bit like her).

(Miruna) Oh. Good that someone notices them because I cannot see my own feet! (I took this snap at an event where I accidentally ran into Miruna. The first time I met her was on place Luxembourg and we talked deeply about ourselves, our families, our upbringing, even our astrological signs. From the outset I could see how genuine and perky this person is, as her sense of humour is.

Miruna is a public affairs adviser at News Media Europe, organisation promoting the interests of the news media industry to the E.U. institutions.

Before this she worked at the European Parliament for years - and will now be taking some well deserved maternity leave.


A parenthesis on Brexit


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