Valentina Bagnato

Valentina Bagnato is the Head of International Relations at OIPA (International Organization for Animal Protection). She told her story about her love and passion for working to ensure animal protection and welfare to Humans in the EU.


“I have always had immense respect and interest in animals since I was a child. I have been lucky enough to spend most of my time together with animals, living in the countryside. The happiness that I felt spending time with and learning from them has always been invaluable.

4 years ago, my life finally took the right direction. I began volunteering in a local dog shelter. Since then, my life has changed. I found that spending time with animals was the only moment of the week when I felt fulfilled, happy and useful - those moments were special and irreplaceable. My objective was solely to focus on taking good care of them and providing them with the attention and love that they deserve. These feelings and emotions changed my life.

I finally realized what my deep desire was: to be their voice, represent animals and fight daily to guarantee a better future for them. They deserve the best. Looking at the abandoned dogs but still seeing that they were ready to give hope and trust to humans again. It opened my eyes. At that very moment, I knew what I truly wanted in life. I wanted to dedicate my time to animals, fight for them 24/7 and 365 days a year, be at their full disposal and help them in every possible way.

I decided to completely change my life. I was so lucky to be welcomed into the big family of OIPA, getting the opportunity to realize my dream. I have been working at OIPA for two years and my choice of working with animals is simply a choice of love…love for animals! The first months, I was crying continuously, my stomach was so close to not being able to eat.  I spent sleepless nights, but over time, I realized that the only way to fight for animals is to face the true and sad reality. Realities are so terrible, painful and difficult to accept, but it’s necessary to look at it in order to raise public awareness, and thus change the current and future welfare for animals.”

Q: What does Animal Protection work entail?

“My job is wonderful, but to be honest, it’s not easy at all. As the Head of International Relations, I am seeing on a daily basis the worst cruelties that animals are facing because of humans. Videos, photos and stories of animals, not only dogs and cats being killed, mistreated, neglected and abused, but also animals being used for experiments and testing, for instance in intensive and fur farming. But also those exploited in the entertainment industry (such as zoos, aquariums and circuses.) This is terrible, as you are loving them so much. You just feel guilty and useless. The only thing you wish is to say sorry to all of them for what they are being forced to endure.

Thanks to my job in animal protection, I have the opportunity to involve people and raise awareness. The work includes writing open letters to local authorities, governments and international bodies, asking to enhance and implement laws and regulations on animal welfare, protection and animal rights. Furthermore, the work entails helping volunteers and associations that operate for the protection and welfare of animals in many countries around the world.

I feel lucky! I have a great opportunity to be the voice of animals every day, trying to contribute, in order to give them a better future with more and better rights- being an active part of the global animal protection movement.”

Q: What does the future of Animal Protection work look like?

“The good thing for the future of the field and the future of our animals is that, despite the world is still many times awful and unfair for them, people start to be much more sensitive, compassionate, understanding and thoughtful about how animals are treated around the world and not willing to accept mistreatment and cruelty anymore and that’s positive. If more and more people are aware and decide to stay on the side of animals, governments and institutions will be obliged to listen to public opinion and consequently make positive changes for animals.

The wide net made of volunteers, local associations, international organizations, animal lovers, and animal activists is in need of one more actor…people! We are all lucky to share this planet with nature and animals. We should be grateful for this. Together, we can make a better world for animals, since it will also be a better world for us.”


-Valentina has a Master’s Degree in International Business and studied Communication during her Bachelor’s Degree. She studied languages in High school. She had the opportunity to study and live abroad, visiting many countries in Europe and meeting many European citizens and people overseas. 

Many experiences;  personal, studying and working, have all allowed her to grow, opening her mind and realizing the importance of being connected with other realities. 

She has worked in different sectors with different roles. She learned a lot, but despite all these experiences, something was still missing in her life. She was constantly going hand in hand with a sense of emptiness and discontent until she began working with animals.

International Organization for Animal Protection - OIPA


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